Project Drawdown has identified, researched and modeled the 100 most substantive, existing solutions to address climate change, grouped into seven sectors. Put together, they reveal a path forward that can roll back global warming by 2050.
The transport sector accounts for 23% of energy-related emissions, which is around 14% of all emissions. Project Drawdown has identified 11 of the most impactful transport-sector solutions for reducing emissions. These include less fuel-intensive shipping, airplanes and trucks, increased use of hybrid cars, electric bikes, electric vehicles, electric trains, mass transit, high-speed rail, and ridesharing, as well as telepresence.
In this informative and collaborative evening:
- Learn more about the transport sector solutions identified and modelled by Project Drawdown
- Hear from experts and practitioners working on inspiring transport solutions in Toronto:
- Tim Grant – Green Party of Ontario transportation critic
- Hamish Wilson – Cycling activist
- Isabelle Boulard – CarpoolWorld
- Kamilla Petrick – TTCriders
- John Filion – Toronto city councillor
- Build a long and local vision for accelerating transport sector solutions in Toronto to their fullest potential
- Offer what you can give and/or request what you need, to help move forward transport solutions in Toronto and reverse our greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Everyone welcome!
This is the second of seven sector summits:
April 25 - Food Sector Summit
May 16 - Transport Sector Summit
July 25 - Energy Sector Summit
August 29 - Building and Cities Sector Summit
October 24 - Women and Girls Sector Summit
November 28 - Land Use Sector Summit
January 30 - Materials Sector Summit
More about Project Drawdown and Unify Toronto’s Drawdown program:
Project Drawdown, founded by author and environmentalist, Paul Hawken, is a scientifically based, comprehensive plan to implement the top 100 solutions to reverse global warming by 2050. Reversing climate change is not only possible, but feasible and eminently practical. The New York Times bestselling book sets out the solutions, the math and the economics of how we can actually do this in an inspirational and accessible way.
Unify Toronto's 13-month program aims to generate enough activity to make Toronto a hub of Drawdown activity in North America. It includes a series of introductions to Drawdown, seven sector summits, and a 4-session course, that will put vital information about how we can reverse global warming in your hands, connect you with other change makers, and galvanize your action with a new sense of optimism and agency.
Access details of Unify Toronto’s full Drawdown program at
Find out more about Drawdown at
Learn about the Pachamama Alliance, creators of the Drawdown introduction and course, at